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rccaldw(3) pic

The effect of social media on the political viewpoints of the masses: positive or negative

While most adults have a unique and well thought political position, many of our youth are consistently assaulted with the views of others through social media. In my personal opinion, social media is a channel of the masses to convey the opinion of many rather than the opinions of individuals. This is, in my opinion, a channel for the "modern day brainwashing" that we all know and hate. While we may be unique and individual in our own ways, no one can deny that at some point an outside source had pushed a political opinion on them. How do you think these viewpoints change the growing generations through social media?


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I can respect your personal decision but i think its stupid. While social media can change people's opinions, it isnt the only think that goes into an individual's political standpoint. I love to debate online and I hear lots of opinions on a regular basis but i still stick to my guns and believe only what i know. It is ridiculous to think that something with such a positive effect on our daily life could have negative effects on how aware our youth is about politics. Without social media sites such as twitter, most kids under the age of 12 would probably know nothing about political debates.

Side: Negative

Not only children but a considerable amount of adults are influenced by Twitter responses by famous celebrities who come out and endorse a particular candidate.

Side: Negative