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 The fact that Hillary is getting so many women voters shows us women vote for criminals! (4)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The fact that Hillary is getting so many women voters shows us women vote for criminals!

It's sad the priorities of women focus on absolute worthless issues compared to the many huge problems facing our nation.

Many women vote for Hillary simply because she's a woman....IDIOTS! I will also vote for a woman when she is the BEST candidate!

Many women voted for Hillary because of Trump's locker room talk 11 years ago....IDIOTS! Your husbands have said the same things many times!

Let me give you some clues to the importnt issues facing America......


Democrats want to take away a woman's right to a conceiled weapon to protect herself from rapists and muggers.

The millions of children with no fathers at home should bother women greatly. Democrats never even mention the problem in our irresponsible culture.

Women seem to be showing us why at one time in history they could not vote. How about showing all those men from centuries ago that they were wrong and you possess the intellect to vote for important issues that effect all Americans as well as your children's futures.
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Cuaroc(8829) Banned
1 point

These rants are starting to get very pathetic.

1 point

How can a Christian hate women and poor people? It is amazing.

1 point

Your misogyny is gross. Why are Christians such chauvinistic scum?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

As always, an idiot trying to twist what I said.

I totally support women's rights to vote.

What I was saying is that women who vote for a person purely because of their gender, are a mindless wasted vote and give ammunition to those who once did not support women voting.