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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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feelingtruth(2776) pic

The new PS4 and X-Box

Do you like these now that the ps4 controller will have a _microphone_ built into it? And the new xbox has a built in camera in it...


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3

I'm not really a gamer. I prefer to go outside and do something physical.

I like these things even less now considering it's making it easier, and funner for people to be lazy.

Side: no
1 point

The ps4 announcement was amazing and it made me excited for the PS4 and every feature of it and I can't wait until they reveal the actual console and after seeing the new Xbox One, I am still not going to be getting the Xbox because the name sounds stupid and most people are going to be confused with the original xbox and the Xbox One.

I am still mad at the fact that when the new CoD Ghosts out Microsoft has that stupid deal with every new CoD that Xbox gets it first. Why don't they release the contract so everyone will be happy.

Side: yes

Well, besides what I said, I can't wait for them to be released, and the new call of duty looks good again

Side: yes
1 point

Yes it does look good! I saw the gameplay trailer and the graphics look amazing but I hope they do a good job at some things. Some times I want them to take a break for 1 year and not have another Call of Duty every single year

Side: yes