
Debate Info

I agree. I disagree.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 I agree. (2)
 I disagree. (3)

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Sitara(11075) pic

The only tax should be a 10% sales tax.

That way things get paid for, but the government does not take too much. And for the record, I am a minarchist, not an anaarchist. No getting mad, just disagree and give a reason.

I agree.

Side Score: 5

I disagree.

Side Score: 3
4 points

All other forms of taxation is theft and deprivation of property. Robbery is just swapped for the word "taxation".

Side: I agree.
1 point

I completely agree. :)

Side: I agree.

So the only tax is sales tax? Just a ten percent tax in stores? I mean wont the government need more than that for like school or military or social security or medicare or medicaid? Sales tax wouldnt collect to much to supply everything.

Side: I disagree.
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

We can negotiate on the amount, but the only good tax is a sales tax. Everything else is theft.

Side: I agree.

Ah. So like property tax is theft. This is something Abby would say. Or almost any libertarian. Well I see. So how does the government pay for education or roads?

Side: I disagree.
1 point

So we would have the same amount as we do now it would have to be more like 50% sales tax. I think its very important that people can buy things like food at all time. Not everyone can budget their money effectively so its necessary that even if they spend most of their wage they can still afford food.

Side: I disagree.