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The use of technology in education

The yearly BETT show opened today, 22nd january 2014. BETT stands for British Educational Training and Technology, which seems to be the New Deal for many countries' school systems, including the United States.

In all fairness, whether these new technological trends have helped increase school success or not is a highly debatable topic. To help you get some grasp on the matter, I leave you two journalistic articles, one for and the other against the use of tecnology in the classrooms. 

So, what I ask you is: what is your stance on educational technology?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 0
1 point

The use of modern technology in education is a necessity. One of the main tasks is to increase the effectiveness of education and this can be achieved only through innovation. There are already many online educational services. To choose the best service you should read the reviews. I recommend paying attention to the review on Studymoose at the PaidPaper. On this site, you can find many reviews of popular writing services that are used by thousands of students around the world.

Side: For
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