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 There's a false assumption for people to perceive sports (1)

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DonnaStel(35) pic

There's a false assumption for people to perceive sports

However,this isn't a Madden NFL 24 issue.The NCAA,which claims nonprofit status because of its efforts in helping student-athletes have claimed$871.6 million for 2012 and is currently spending record amounts lobbying efforts to block those athletes from receiving any of the funds.Even the smallest foot races that contain huge sums of money,travel on lavish trips and pay organizers handily they claim that they are nonprofit.

It's about time to get rid of the facade.

Tax-exempt status is supposed to be granted to organizations that are more than earning a profit,particularly those that seek to assist the public in their mission.Even without mentioning the recent events,Madden NFL 24 has proven that it's only focused on turning a profit as well as benefitting its teams.USA Today pointed out:

"If there's a reason for providing tax exemption to business associations,it should be they operate for the public purpose of aiding commerce for all in broad segments of a type of business or business generally,"stated(Philip)Hackney who is and an LSU law professor who has previously worked as an IRS attorney focusing on tax exempt organizations issues."Commerce is important for our country and we should encourage those engaged in it with a more public-minded way.These(sports)organizations according to me,do not have a public minded approach to their financial interests.They are focused on the financial success associated with their franchises."

There's a false assumption for people to perceive sports organisations as entities that transcend business as if they're focussed on the bigger picture.But it's only a rhetorical statement.In reality,Madden NFL 24 is not focused on the public good as well as upholding a high moral standard.The NCAA is not awash with educators hoping to protect athletes from consumerism.The local race is likely not giving as much money to charities as you think it should.

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You started talking about sports. So let's talk about real sports. I don't like it when people replace real fights on the football field with those pseudo games that simulators give. Not only do I follow football, but I can also bet in real time - This is very interesting as a hobby for an adult.