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Debate Score:42
Total Votes:42
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 Agree (16)
 Disagree (25)

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Azra(543) pic

There should be higher penalties for people who get caught not wearing a seatbelt


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 26

Mmmm it depends on the penalties. I think we should definetly wear seatbelts more often since they can help more than hinder. Also if the penalties worked they may save a lot of lives.

Side: Agree
1 point

I agree. If people endanger themselves and burden the healthcare system, that would be wrong.

Side: Agree
1 point

I think it's stupid, it should be their choice. We don't say you get fined if you go climbing with bad ropes, so how is this any different? Only responsibility in this case should be parents making young children wear seatbelts, or tour companies getting passengers to.

Side: Disagree
lupusFati(790) Disputed
1 point

You are forgetting the medical costs to hospitals who have to take these people in, do their damn best to keep them alive, and then having them die anyway so they can't collect the cost. Among other reasons.

Not wearing a seatbelt affects everyone involved, not just you. And children tend to follow the examples of their parents.

Side: Disagree
Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

They'd still be injured, anyway. And you ignored my ropes comparison, which represents other things we don't get fined for, like going dangerous places. Maybe you should just be fined if you had an accident and weren't wearing a seatbelt?

Side: Agree
1 point

Natural selection.

Let the stupid ones kill themselves off like in the older days. Then perhaps we will be better for it.

Side: Disagree

Seat belts are made not only to protect users, but the family of the user. If the user dies, there is no fine, if the user live that is indirectly affecting the family of the user, thus defeating the purpose of the fine in the 1st place.

No seat belt fines should not be higher, instead they should be nonexistent.

Side: Disagree
1 point

So how do we save lives in car accidents? Thats the main reason America presses so hard for the use of seatbelts because they can save many lives.

Side: Agree
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

The seat belt may save lives, the fine does nothing but ensure that people follow the seatbelt law. Yet if everyone isn't following the seat belt law then it's not perfectly ensured, therefore it's virtually useless. All it does is give the government money from people who don't have the time to follow their rules or cause people who normally follow the rules, but have a momentary lapse of judgement, to have to pay a silly fine.

Side: Disagree

Do, people shouldn't have to get penalized for shit that they should be able to do .

Side: Disagree
1 point

In all honesty, there shouldn't be because of the simple fact that humanity and its stupidity cannot learn anything unless something bad happens. People should know right off the bat that they need your seat belt on. If they don't put it on, don't punish them, let them face the consequences of their actions. If they get hurt its nobody's fault but their own. People these days won't learn how to be safe without facing the higher consequences of their own actions .

Side: Disagree

I think people should be responsible for their own actions, getting into a car accident is punishment enough for not wearing their seat belt. It does not hurt anyone else other than the one whom chose not to wear their seat belt. I don't think there should be any penalties for not wearing a seatbelt.

Side: Disagree
1 point

why? how does that affect you in any way? It's their choice. If their old enough to own a car they should be old enough to understand the dangers of driving.

Side: Disagree