
Debate Info

Standard procedure. Going too far.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Standard procedure. (1)
 Going too far. (1)

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Enlightened1(212) pic

They should search everyone's balls and vaginas at the airpot.

Also, feel free to comment on body scanners that show you pretty much  naked.

Standard procedure.

Side Score: 1

Going too far.

Side Score: 2
1 point

if by "balls and vaginas" you mean the airport scanners that they have today, so be it, if your too insecure to go through a scanner that roughly depicts a fuzzy image of you without your clothes, then you shouldnt be taking up precious airport space for the rest of us, besides, that means more airline peanuts for me...

Side: Standard procedure.

1. The aforementioned scanners have been the subject of a vast and grossly misinformed media campaign which has led people into the ignorant view that they display one's naked body. This is not the case.

2. As to how a weapon might be safely stored within the scrotum, we cannot conceive. We submit that no search would be necessary to determine whether a woman has secreted a stiff, robust object in her vagina.

Side: Standard procedure.