
Debate Info

Possitive emoji Negative emoji
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Possitive emoji (1)

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shaheem(2) pic

Tiny digital icons

Emoji copying is the act of copying and pasting emojis from one place, such a messaging app or website, to another. Emojis are tiny digital icons or symbols that are used in electronic communication to represent thoughts, feelings, and sentiments. Emoji copy makes it simple for users to distribute and duplicate these emotive symbols on many platforms and gadgets. Emojis have become an essential component of digital communication, bringing personality and color to text-based exchanges. Emoji copy makes it easy for users to add emoticons to conversations, social media postings, and other digital material, improving communication in general.

Possitive emoji

Side Score: 1

Negative emoji

Side Score: 0
1 point

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Side: Possitive emoji
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