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 To What Extent Do You Believe Church And State Should Be Separated? (7)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

To What Extent Do You Believe Church And State Should Be Separated?

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3 points

The original intentions of separating church from state were to allow people the freedom to practice religion and worship without ridicule or prosecution from the state and to prevent a theocratic canonical rule. To that extent, they should be separated. It was not to prohibit people from worshiping and to prevent the demagoguing of a religion.

The inclusion of aspects of particular religions in public affairs shouldn't be viewed as an intrusion of church into state. I don't know how you could assert that the display of a nativity, christmas tree, manorah or other peaceful symbolic gesture would violate the original intent of separating church from state.

the entire concept has been hijacked for political posturing.

Church and State should have the further extent of separation of a nice thick and tall clear separation.

Side: Thick and Tall Wall

church and state should naturally be separate in politics because look what happened in the middle ages but schools should allow kids to silently pray before a meal if they so choose because I believe it falls under freedom of speech

Side: by the extent of their spheres
2 points

and the PUBLIC school is not mandating that they pray, nor that they pray to a specific deity. Only that time be set aside for ones personal reflection.

Side: by the extent of their spheres
1 point

Each institution has it's own sphere of influence and should remain within it's proper sphere. The Church should teach it's doctrines and administer the sacraments. The state should administer justice by rewarding the good and punishing the bad, that's it. However, the state can't determine the good or bad. it has no ability to do so, it can only enforce it. The church however should inform the moral conscience of the people. The church shouldn't do the states job and the state shouldn't do the churches job. It's really that simple. For a fuller discussion on this see Abraham Kuyper's work on sphere sovereignty.

Side: by the extent of their spheres

I think church and state should should be separate as much as possible, of course people should be able to have the freedom to exercise religion without it effecting state, but state and religion should never intertwine.

Side: by the extent of their spheres
0 points

Church and state should be separated.. those who follow the teaching of Jesus Christ should remember and follow his example. he choose not to be apart or get involve in the politic of that kingdom is not part of this world''

men marrying men,women marrying women is something that goes against gods word the bible warns against. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 - 11 here is a perfect example why church and state should be separated''

being so deeply entrenched in worldly politics and the spirit of this world, they now turn a blind eye to what they have been teaching and knows scriptural .

they themselves has some how deaden their conscience. ( in this regard ) 1 peter 3;16 hold a good conscience..

.. Jesus Christ admonished his true worshipers not to be fashioned after this worlds system of things ,,Romans 12 verse 2

Side: by the extent of their spheres