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 To antichoicers. ;) (5)

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SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

To antichoicers. ;)

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Yeah its a personal moral struggle thats why i am trying to stop

Just like you should feel bad about getting an abortion

1 point

1. I have not had an abortion. 2. If i did, I would not feel guilty. 3. Judge not lest you be judged. 4. Pregnancy would kill my. How prolife of you not to care.

1 point

Did i say i dont care? no, i did not actually, i do care actually, thats why it upsets me that people like you dont care or give a fuck about life. What if you had been aborted?

Maybe this site would be better and noone would feel bad for your abortion

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Post edited due to poor wording.

I dunno about point 2. I'm pretty sure you would feel (was be) guilty. Most of the women I know are pro-choice, and every single one who has had an abortion has felt guilty about it.

It's extremely tumultuous emotionally, as I understand it.

This does not necessarily mean that they regret it. Even if they do, that does not mean that they would do things differently if they had to do it over. This also does not mean that the individual woman is no longer pro-choice.

But many women who are pro-choice are known to change their stance on the matter after having an abortion; this is a fact. Of those who don't change their stance on the matter, many would still do things differently if they had a chance to do it over. Even of those who wouldn't, many regret it. Of those who don't regret it, well... I haven't personally met a single person who feels zero guilt over it.

I'm pro-choice myself, mind you, but my observations make me think that you're overly confident in how you would react to a pretty heavy situation that you've yet to experience.