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 To the anti Christian bigots, tell me the atrocities from Christianity in America today. (10)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

To the anti Christian bigots, tell me the atrocities from Christianity in America today.

If Christianity is some evil religion supporting atrocities as the many bigots on this site claim. I would love to be enlightened and have you show us just one atrocity Christianity is supporting here today in America.
Now I realize it is difficult when you can not just spew out your hateful bigotry with rhetoric of what supposedly happened in the past. I realize it is easier to spew lies and exxagerations when none of us were there to see or verify. So stick to the here and now in this nation so we can all see your proof of these so called evil acts supported by Christianity.

You see, if it is the Christian faith that is so evil and supporting of atrocities (and not evil false men doing things in God's name), then we should all be able to see this evil religion being carried out right before our eyes.

Just the other day, I saw a Church group helping support a low income lady with her Pregnancy(freely giving of their own money to do so). THOSE EVIL BUTCHERS!

Just the other day I saw a Church group rebuiding a man's garage after losing it to a fire. THE ATROCITY OF IT ALL!

Well I guess I'm having a hard time coming up with examples of an evil Christian faith in this nation today, so please enlighten us all so we can verify.

I normally ban a certain individual because of his hateful bigotry but for this debate, I want to utilize his VAST KNOWLEDGE of this so called hateful Christian faith and the many atrocities being perpetrated today in America.
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I know of no atrocities carried out in the name of Christianity. Christianity preaches peace, tolerance and forgiveness, and unlike other religions, is sufficiently robust to withstand the ''slings and arrows'' of the scoffing classes.

2 points

Thank you. So refreshing to hear some honesty from people on this site.

bjkrukowski(2) Disputed
1 point

Atrocities - an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.

Yes, Christians committed atrocities in America in the modern era.

In America - The Catholic Church (Boston Archdiocese) knowingly allowed pedophile priests to sexual abuse children and do nothing to stop it, but did everything to cover it up.

Taking Atrocities as a cruel act that does not include physical violence I will point to the Westborough Baptist Church, google it if you live in a hole.

Christians also committed atrocities around the world through there missionaries - Matthew Durham, 19, allegedly confessed to sexually assaulting several children at an orphanage in Kenya, police said.

Christianity is such a large group of religions - Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Non-denominational, Lutherans and on and on, and there has been no great schism to unit the followers of Jesus to one faith.

If you are asking for the atrocities that have been supported by the leadership of the Christian faiths then, no there are none because that hypocrisy is too obvious. Similarly the Islamic faith has not committed atrocities as a whole, it (Islam) preaches love, tolerance, but less then human people have used religion (Islam) to recruit people and convince them to commit atrocities. As did the Knights Templar before there destruction by the Pope (who was threatened by KT).

No one? Come on, where are all the Christian atrocities today? Nothing? Are you saying you are complete phony bigots with nothing to prove all your attacks against Christianity?

1 point

Here is a spring 2016 report on all hate in the US. files/ir160-spring2016-splc.pdf

Also we could discuss the Westboro Baptist Church's disruptive tyranny based on their own Christian beliefs.

1 point

Can you write a single thing without insulting someone ? You really are unfair fromwithin. Someone insults you back and its like the world ended for you.