
Debate Info

Tobacco Use Illegal
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Tobacco Use (2)
 Illegal (1)

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Tobacco Use

Should tobacco be illegal? You decide.

Tobacco Use

Side Score: 3


Side Score: 1
2 points

Making things illegal doesn't cause them to go away. Tobacco use has decreased so much in the past few decades because of so many anti-smoking ads and research into its role in lung cancer and pathology. Keep it legal because people should get to choose for themselves, but tax the hell out of it and put that revenue toward the healthcare that smokers will need and even more anti-smoking ads.

Side: Tobacco Use
1 point

Tobacco is necessary to keep the government running. If we made tobacco illegal, the government would not be able to tax it throwing us deeper into national debt.

Side: Tobacco Use
1 point

Health Services and Providers would prefer it had never been invented in the first place, however, even with the wealth of evidence of the harm and hospital bed stays incurred any government would be loathe to risk totally losing the tax revenue so for the moment all that can be expected is an age restriction and labelling battle.

As for alcohol. We now have support for a mandatory pregnancy health warning label on all alcohol products and packaging sold in Australia.

Side: Illegal