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 Trump is the result of a nation polarized by an extreme Left wing PC President............ (4)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Trump is the result of a nation polarized by an extreme Left wing PC President............

Who would have believed a man like Trump could be leading in polls? He is such an egotist and never shows us he has any clue about the issues. There can only be one reason for this and it falls squarely on the shoulders of the most extreme Left wing president this nation has ever had.
People are so sick of hearing political correctness constantly preached from Obama's bully pulpit, and a spineless GOP Congress that refuses to stand up against his agendas. Our nation is falling back to a time of racial tension thanks to constant Democrat race bating to get the Black vote.
Trump just tells it like it is without worrying about who might criticize him for it. He does not live and breathe being afraid of what the Liberal media will say about him if he does not tow the political correct dogma. Americans are so desparate to hear someone say it like it is, that they would elect an egotist. I would prefer Cruz or Rubio.
I don't want him to be president unless he is the only one to defeat Hillary. He definitely is an egotist and who knows what he would actually do as President. I suspect he is not as conservative as he says and probably would be another phony.
I'm scared he will run as a third party if he does not get the GOP nomination and that will allow Hillary to take this nation farther down to bankruptcy. We can not take 8 more years of these Liberal Democrats. If they get elected there will be too few middle class workers left to pay for all the free subsidies.
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2 points

I feel that Trump could apply his business acumen to politics and turn the plight of the US, around, whilst at the same time give Americans back their country. The man is not stupid and his apparent outrageous comments are designed to create maximum impact and draw attention to the Islamization of the western countries. He was criticized in the British media by a few left wing politicians for stating that members of the police force avoided certain Muslim areas because they feared for their lives. Well, let these sanctimonious lefties don a police uniform and go on a one or two man foot patrol around the Muslim crime dens of Bradford, Birmingham of Ripley. Muslims have ''appropriated'' great tracts of U.K. cities and towns and turned them into third world, crime ridden hell holes of rape and paedophilia. Check it out on Google. Trump '' tells it as it is'' and in doing so upsets the liberals and loonie leftists who let such people do the dirty, but necessary work of advising an apathetic public of the severity of the Muslim threat.

I love how he complains about the left refusing to take responsibility for their actions, yet here he is blaming a truly fascist candidate leading the Republican pack on Obama.

Shameless hypocrisy.

1 point

I just don't know how conservative Trump has become. He was essentially a liberal years ago. He has found the hot button issues that Americans are attracted to right now. The left is afraid to death of Trump, that is why they are resorting to the Hitler and fascism comments. Radical comments against Republicans in the past won't work this time with Trump.

Why are the Democrats so scared of Trump? Everyone knows a tight election will come down to a few swing states. The Democrats NEED a certain percentage of the white vote in states like Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. If Trump can siphon off a few percentage points of white voters that can turn the election in his favor, and the Democrats know this. That is why they are using the Hitler comments. These comments will become commonplace if he is the nominee. But I think enough moderate Democrats in these swing states will flip like they did for Reagan. Believe it or not, moderate white Democrats do not want hundreds of thousands of refugees coming here plus an open southern border. Trump is playing to their wishes that America should not become a shit hole like where these people are coming from.

TrumpsHair(310) Clarified
1 point

I just don't know how conservative Trump has become. He was essentially a liberal years ago

He really wasn't, he just wasn't a fascist like he is now.

He has found the hot button issues that Americans are attracted to right now. The left is afraid to death of Trump, that is why they are resorting to the Hitler and fascism comments.

He advocates taking a religious group, forcing them to wear special identification and putting them into a database. How familiar are you with the history of fascism?

Why are the Democrats so scared of Trump?

His policies are fiscally and practically impossible to implement, his rhetoric is dangerous and fascist in nature, his economic background is fraught with bankruptcy, and he is an abject moron.

That is why they are using the Hitler comments.

So it couldn't be the directly correlation between their political rises? I mean direct correlations?

These comments will become commonplace if he is the nominee. But I think enough moderate Democrats in these swing states will flip like they did for Reagan. Believe it or not, moderate white Democrats do not want hundreds of thousands of refugees coming here plus an open southern border. Trump is playing to their wishes that America should not become a shit hole like where these people are coming from.

No, he really isn't. He is playing upon religious and racial fears which are borne out of ignorance, and taking advantage of said fears. It is pathetic and disgusting.

-1 points

Trump is a conservative. We want nothing to do with him. .