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Debate Score:3
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DoleKing(36) pic

Unemployed people who smoke cannabis should be supplied with free hash to avoid debt?

People who are unemployed and use cannabis should be given a ration of cannabis from the government as they will go and buy it anyway. By getting free hash supplied, this will avoid cannibas users on benefits from running into debt and not being able to afford rent, heating, food etc


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1 point

It is not the government's job to provide unmotivated people with less motivation to work. If a cannabis user wants to be able to purchase the drug that he or she "needs" (more of a strong want than a need seeing as a person can survive without pot) then they should have to work for the ability to purchase a luxury item like cannabis or hash. Without the incentive, everyone who currently works and pays for their cannabis would have less reason to work. Additionally, how would the government pay for the hash without incurring more debt?

Side: No
DoleKing(36) Disputed
0 points

First of all..... a person can survive without a house.... does that mean you don't need a house? Off course not, now that's your first argument defeated on to the next stupid point you made...... the government will pay for it by exporting lazy immigrants who steal from our money.

Side: yes

There is such thing as free. Somebody has to pay for it one way or the other.

Side: No