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 Usual pro Islamic pacifism from Democrats while it takes a real leader to kill terrorists! (6)

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Usual pro Islamic pacifism from Democrats while it takes a real leader to kill terrorists!

Just as Reagan cleaned up pacifist Democrat Jimmy Carter's mess when Iranians kidnapped Americans, it now takes Trump to clean up Obama's pro Iran policies.

There was no epiphany from Iranians when Obama signed a nuclear arms deal with them and giving billions of dollars. Iran used that money to keep funding their terrorist agendas around the world.

When will those who vote for these Democrat pacifists EVER LEARN?

Muslims understand one thing and one thing only.... STRENGTH!
They laugh at our weakness and will never change their spots unless forced to by their people.

Trump just killed the terrorist who has killed a thousand Iranian protesters in the past. They are secretly cheering his death.
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2 points

So lets see, how many deaths of Americans does it take to get a Democrat to show the least amount of love for our troops and America?

They pretend to fear the reprisal from Iran when we actually defend our troops in harms way.

Trump s a great leader who truly loves America.

2 points

If your son or daughter is killed in the military, Trumps cares.

If four Americans are killed in Benghazi, Democrats deliberately DO NOTHING!

It took Trump to kill the mastermind of the Benghazi attack.

2 points

The Big Man has swatted a deadly group of bacteria with his Iron Fist.

The weak-kneed anti-American left wing loonies will be squawking like agitated parrots about the President's strong leadership and his ability to dismiss their hysterical rants with the contempt they deserve.

2 points

The Democrat's dogma of appeasement doesn't work.

History is riddled with the decaying carcases of pacifist politicians who tried to placate their country's enemies with concessions and 30 pieces of silver.

Check out Neville Chamberlain as he returned from Munich waving his little piece of peace in our time document which was signed by Hitler.

Some peace. It was the sort of peace which resulted in the slaughter of 70 million human beings.

If he and his gangster cohorts had been eradicated (PRESIDENT TRUMP STYLE) prior to 1939 the whole nightmare may never have occurred.

2 points

Yes, we have seen the utter failure of Socialistic bleeding heart corruption.

These hypocrites who piously preach tolerance and compassion for the least of us are the very ones supporting radical Pro abortion policies. These phonies even support killing viable babies for any reason!

They have no core values other than pushing their failed Socialist Big Government control.