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Debate Score:22
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outlaw60(15368) pic


With the death toll in the city now at 294, this year’s violence has set the city on the road to easily outpace the 300 murdered in the city in 1999, making 2015 one of the most violent years in the city’s history.But the murders are not random. Despite that some shootings still occur in the commission of robberies and other crimes, the largest number of shootings are gang related.

“There is no randomness associated with these murders,” Commissioner Davis said. “They’re gang related, they’re retaliatory in nature, and they center around drug disputes. And unfortunately, where there are drugs, there’s money, and where there is money, there are guns.”

Will more control gun control curb gang gun violence ?

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1 point

Wouldn't legalizing drugs end gangs? How can they fight over drugs if you can get weed from the neighborhood store?

1 point

The drugs wouldn't be free. Gangs would ransack the legal drug distributors places of business and fight over the territory

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

If drugs were legal the people getting ransacked could go to the police. Part of the problem with gangs is that they are fighting other gangs. If they were fighting law abiding citizens there would be a way to track what they are doing.

Democrats don't like talking about the vast majority of gun killings because of gangs, not school shootings. Democrats don't want to say anything bad about their voting blocks of African americans who are killing each other more than white on black killings.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Democrats don't like talking about the vast majority of gun killings because of gangs, not school shootings.

They don't? Since when? I live in a Democratic state and the capitol of gang violence in the U.S. and I hear them talk about it literally non-stop.

Democrats don't want to say anything bad about their voting blocks of African americans who are killing each other more than white on black killings.

Again, I hear about it all the time. On what basis are you saying they don't want to talk about it?

2 points

Breitbart isn't reporting about the Democrats talking about it, so he will never find out.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Hogwash! I could care less what you hear about locally. I'm talking about our main stream media on network news where they hardly ever mention it, but mention mass shootings and guns being the problem constantly.

Do you ever hear Obama talking about Black on black killings when he is on his race bating soap box(to get the black vote) about cops killing blacks? Nah, those majority of black lives being killed DON'T MTTER in his priorities!

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

By the way, answer me this simple question since you love denying what you support. If you voted for nazi's, but each time you voted for them they never got elected, would that excuse away your support for the atrocities they support? Or would you keep saying you are not a one issue voter and not responsible for those other things they support when you vote for them.

1 point

You are mistaken; they don't talk about shootings as if they are done by people. They talk about shootings as if it is done by the gun. They don't care who pulls the trigger, they want to just get rid of the trigger do it can't be pulled. Your claim would imply that they have used some kind of intelligence when it comes to guns, and I assure you they have not used any.

Indeed. Listening to the politicians out here in Chicago is absolutely hilarious. You could be forgiven for thinking that the gangs were made up entirely of the guns themselves, driving around shooting each other without any humans being involved.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Democrats want to get rid of guns so they can control the masses. It's that simple. It obviously has nothing to do with people getting killed or they would be talking gang killings non stop on network news, and on Obama's bully pulpit soap box.

Outlaw reads bullshit on conservative websites, outraged he feels he must share it with us.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Kind of like people on this site reading Liberal websites and learning the talking point rhetoric to share with all of us.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

It's just like you to refer to everyone based on some broad generalization. Specifics don't seem to be your strong point.

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

No, because in this case he literally creating a lot of debates that just gives us links to conservative websites.

1 point

Has anybody even stopped to ask if any of the victims deserved it? I mean, I know some people that could use a bullet to the head.