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Debate Score:15
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Wearing pregnancy clothes during pregnancy is good or not?

There are some clothes to be weared during pregnancy?

maternity work pants


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 9

Yes it is good. If pregnancy clothes are more comfortable to the woman than regular clothes during pregnancy, than why not?

Side: Yes
1 point

I'm eager to see what the opposition would be like for this, if it were truly sincere.

I vote yes. Wearing clothes made for pregnancy, is good during pregnancy.

Side: Yes

Of course. Pregnancy clothes are designed to be comfortable and to stretch significantly.

The comfort alone makes it worth it, but there is additional body image benefit to the pregnant woman when she can continue to wear the same clothes throughout her pregnancy. I distinctly remember my wife sobbing when she was 6 months pregnant because nothing fit.

Body image issues really shouldn't exist in the first place, but they do... and if we can't get rid of them altogether, we should at least do our best to let them get through the pregnancy before dealing with that...

Side: Yes

I think so. Those type of clothes are made for a certain purpose.

Side: Yes
1 point

Wearing pregnancy clothes during pregnancy is highly recommended. Designed for comfort and flexibility, these clothes accommodate the changing body, providing support and ease. Properly fitted maternity wear can alleviate discomfort and promote a healthier pregnancy experience. self service laundry

Side: Yes
1 point

Wearing pregnancy clothes during pregnancy is beneficial for comfort and support. Designed to accommodate growing bellies and changing bodies, they offer practicality and ease, reducing discomfort. Maternity wear provides necessary flexibility and allows expectant mothers to embrace their changing shapes confidently. best online casino banglades

Side: Yes
2 points

Nah... they make you look fat.

Side: No
2 points

Ain't dat da truth? I'm soooo glad I don't have to wear them anymore so I can show off my girlish figure LOL!

Side: No
2 points

Oh! My eyes! My eyes! I might need an eye patch after all... maybe two.

Side: No

Fuck these "pregnancy clothes" if you want to be comfortable while carrying a child just wear sweat pants and a loose fitting t-shirt around everywhere.

Side: No