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 oq (1)

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australianss(9) pic

Wet Pour Rubber

Wet pour rubber is commonly used for school playground flooring. However, it is also ideal for swimming pool surrounds, pathways, retail units, and gyms. You can install wet pour rubber directly onto a hard standing sub-base like concrete or tarmac. However, the surface must have a secure perimeter edge to bond to; timber and PC edging are excellent materials. The best thing about using wet-pour rubber is that you can incorporate various graphics and designs to make your surface colourful. You can add playnetics like audionetics, music balls, and story balls to provide a vibrant and interactive playground.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 0

For a very long time, roads, walkways, floors, and foundations have been constructed using concrete components. | cheap pavers perth

Side: oq
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