
Debate Info

Carl Menger Karl Marx
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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 Carl Menger (9)
 Karl Marx (8)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

What K/Carl is the greatest inspiration?


Carl Menger

Side Score: 10

Karl Marx

Side Score: 10

Since Carl Menger is the founder father of the Austrian School of Economics, he has inspired and transformed liberty through an education in economics of limited government, sound money, personal freedom and responsibility and entrepreneurship.

Side: Carl Menger

Austrian School of Economics is superior to any other economic thought.

Side: Carl Menger
casper3912(1556) Disputed
2 points

How is praxology superior to empiricism ?

Side: Karl Marx

Not sure who Carl Menger is, but there is no way that Karl Marx is of greater inspiration than anyone.

Side: Carl Menger
casper3912(1556) Disputed
2 points

It seems your not sure who Karl Marx is either .

Side: Karl Marx
1 point

I hate to say it, but Karl Marx has been of far greater import to the history of the 20th century than just about anybody else. He's inspired millions of people - the inspiration of which lead to millions more deaths. Carl Menger, of Austrian Economics fame, is an inspiration to myself, but most people don't even know who he is.

Side: Karl Marx
1 point

Carl Menger, of Austrian Economics fame, is an inspiration to myself, but most people don't even know who he is.

Probably, it has to do with the TENTH PILLAR OF THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.

Public schools will mention all the glorious attributes of Karl Marx, but ignore Carl Menger as if he never existed.

Side: Carl Menger
1 point

Public schools will mention all the glorious attributes of Karl Marx, but ignore Carl Menger as if he never existed.

You can't blame that entirely on the public schools, though. Marx is so well known because we were in a cold war with his disciples for decades, whereas few people - public school teachers included - have never heard of Menger.

Side: Carl Menger
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Public schools don't teach about Marx, they teach about a demonized USSR and Vietcong.

Side: Karl Marx