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 What age/grade do you think is best for kids to start dating? (17)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

What age/grade do you think is best for kids to start dating?

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2 points

What age/grade do you think is best for kids to start dating?


2 points

I agree that about 15 or 16 is good. My mom wouldn't let me date until I was 16, and I'm actually kind of glad she didn't because I would've acted like SUCH an idiot if I had dated when I was 13 or so...

But every teenager is different. Some 14 year olds might be mature enough, and some 16 year olds might not be. I think 14 is kind of a minimum age, at least to me, but most kids probably shouldn't date until 15 or so.

Side: It varies between 14 and 16
1 point

I think age 16 sounds pretty good. Not too young, not to old.

Side: It varies between 14 and 16
Ledfoot(135) Disputed
2 points

um...thats pretty old. thats what age alot of people lose their virginity. I'd say like 13 or 14.... probably 14

Side: Fourteen
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
2 points

says a 15 year old



Side: sixteen

Once their hormones settle down and they stop thinking with their naughty bits. ;)

Side: fifteen
Awen27(541) Disputed
3 points

By this standard, are you allowed to date, joe? ;)

Sorry...but like no one else wasn't thinking it! x]

Side: fifteen

Are you implying that my hormones have not settled down and that I think with my little head? Cause that's just wrong. I'm part of the Viagra generation ;)

I don't date because I'm happily married.

Side: fifteen
1 point

I strongly believe that kids should start dating at the age of 16. 14 is to young. Boys pressure girls into drugs and drinking at such a young ages. Also it is very bad because all girls can think about it boys, it distracts them at school and they don't get their homework done.

Side: sixteen
Ledfoot(135) Disputed
1 point

A 16 year old Is more likely to pressure girls into drugs and drinking than a 14 year old.

Side: sixteen
1 point

I had my first date at 18 (by will, not because I couldn't get one). I wanted to wait til I was out of high school because what I saw in high school was so ridiculous it didn't seem worth it. And it worked out wonderfully. I never wish I started dating in middle school or high school; there were better things to spend my time doing than falling into the puppy love junk. So, I would like my kids to wait til they're out of high school too, but I sure as hell know no one else is going to do what I did; so, whatever. But I'm going to lean at age 16 or 17. If my kids start dating younger than that, they sure as heck better be bringing those people home so I can interrogate them. :-)

Side: sixteen
1 point

I think 16 is a little too old, but 14 might be a little too young. Maybe down the middle, like 15? :)

But let me just say, as a side note, that dating in high school is a big mistake anyway. 90% of high school kids are way too immature for a serious relationship and it just messes with their studies when they get in and out of relationships. Trust me, I've had experience with it. Kids, leave it until college at least! Oh and I made that 90% stat up... But it seems legitimate.

Side: fifteen