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 What are some advantages of being a lesbian? (15)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What are some advantages of being a lesbian?

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1 point

Umm, I guess that's an advantage ^ ;P

oral sex is grotty.

Just because you had sex for a long time doesn't mean it was good.

Just open wide and say, "aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh" ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Oh wait..., I think I may have gotten that wrong. My apologies. Let me try again.

Stick out your tongue and say, "aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh" ;)

I'm sorry you feel that way. Did you get a pube caught in your tonsils or something once? ;)

No. Your mouth is for food, talking and other core functions, but not doing that.

1 point

Uhhhhh.... they can wear each others clothes. Damn! That would be a lot of flannel.

1 point

Yes, but who's going to take out the trash and kill all the spiders?

They say (okay, I heard it once on TV) that the strongest marriages, on average, are those in which the wife looks better than the husband, and the husband makes more money than the wife. The theory is that the ideals of the sexes are different, so they can both 'win' in the comparisons that are important to them, and they can both see value in each other.

In a same sex couple, there's no obvious distinction like that, so I would think competition would be a bigger issue.

On the other hand, there is also a lot to be said for couples having a lot in common with each other. I've always said that if it weren't for the whole sex thing, men and women would never hang out together.