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 What do you think are the benefits or challenges of combining digital technologies? (2)

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MCCIS110(3) pic

What do you think are the benefits or challenges of combining digital technologies?

What are the benefits and/or challenges of combining digital technologies?

And, do the pros outweigh the cons or do the cons outweigh the pros?
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1 point

While the convenience of digital technology is undeniable, it is important to approach this issue from a balanced perspective, recognizing that, when managed correctly, digital tools can improve our lives. Perhaps we need to find ways to optimize their benefits and apply them in business and other areas of activity.

1 point

Hello. Digital technologies have become an integral part of our existence, especially in terms of organizing office work. Working in an office with paper documents may be a thing of the past, thanks to advances in scanning technology that are becoming more affordable. It is now possible to scan documents and convert them into electronic versions using OCR software accuracy , which can be stored locally or in the cloud, which is becoming increasingly popular. Scanning software can save documents in a variety of formats.