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 What do you think is the best type of government? (12)

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john63953(99) pic

What do you think is the best type of government?

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3 points

This question shouldn't be about ideals. This question should be about what type of government that fits the circumstances. I like how we run things in Denmark. For me, it's pretty close to an ideal type of government, but we are placed in an imperfect world. We are a small country, and we favor wealth distribution, which could be a very good thing, but right now it really isn't. High taxes for the rich are giving our big cooperations reason to move out of Denmark. If taxes get much higher, our biggest cooperations like Maersk haven't got much reason to stay.

The trickle down theory of economics is nonsensical if it doesn't involve taxing the rich, so I genuinely believe taxation is a good thing. But given that there's some countries where taxation is much lower, taxation can't be a long term solution. It's the same problem with CO2 emission. If every country were to lower emissions simultaneously, no country would be at an disadvantage. But if just a single country keeps to the status quo, every other country trying to save the planet would be at an disadvantage to this particular country. It's the same with taxes. As long as a single country has low taxes for the poor, high taxes just won't help the countries; the big money makers will simply move away.

The common theme here is known as the prisoner's dilemma. It's pretty interesting stuff since using that as a basis, it's fairly easy to explain why it's some global problems persist despite looking superficially straightforward to solve.

12characters(224) Clarified
2 points

1 point

Then don't. I didn't watch your whole movie either, if you are interested in knowing that.

1 point


As long as a single country has low taxes for the rich*

One that does not support the lazy, unlike the one I have to live under.

I did not deserve to be down voted. Also if you're going to DV please have the decency to submit a counter argument and not be a coward.

1 point

One that lets me keep my money and stays out of my biz-snatch.

12characters(224) Clarified
1 point

I see you are a Libertarian, what would you do in a Libertarian society if you went broke?

1 point

Family & friends will step in... besides, I'm Libertarian, not an anarchist. Some government, some taxes is okay.

A government like ours. A constitutional federal republic. I think that's the correct term. However the powers of the government need reducing.

The most Centrist government ever. I am a solid centrist to death and beyond!

Oligarchy. It brings back memories............................................................