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 What happens when you die? (4)

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IMright101(107) pic

What happens when you die?

This is the question that has probably been asked by everyone that has ever lived. Is our consciousness more than just neurons firing off? I have this debate with myself frequently and usually always come to the same dead end. Richard Dawkins says the universe does not owe us meaning. That's true. Maybe we just subscribe meaning to ourselves as a coping mechanism for death. Since everything in our head is built off of preexisting patterns our mind really can't fathom what death will be like, what will happen after the blood stops and the neurons slowly fade out one by one. A million microscopic lightning bolts firing for the last time. Enter religion. Opinions? 

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2 points

Nothing. Once you die you stay dead and are used to take up space in the ground.

1 point

Valid comment, that's about the extent of what we know. Not the most comforting of thoughts but it would be hard to debate otherwise unless you want to rely on faith.

Your soul goes to a place where there are no liberals ;)

1 point

Your asking a question that nobody living knows the answer to. Regardless of what you believe you don't KNOW what's going to happen.