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 What if we are just a cut-off and forgotten colony of a vast human empire? (6)

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instig8or(3308) pic

What if we are just a cut-off and forgotten colony of a vast human empire?

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J-Roc77(70) Banned
1 point

Our evolutionary history kind of negates us coming from an already space fairing intelligent species. Sounds like it would be a better sci fi book than a theory.

But what if instead of a colony we're a meat farm that has achieved sentience. We were supposed to be a stop for future travelers to replenish their food stocks as they crept across the universe. When they get here they still decide we're fodder. Vegans will like this movie.

The movie will star Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel. Just because I liked how silly Furious 7 was and so the movie would appeal to others besides vegans.

Or scratch that idea. How about we send out a group to explore the universe but lose them. Tens of thousands of years later we come across an alien race and war with them. Then M. Night Shamalon twist, the aliens are our long lost cousins only we didn't recognize them due to the changes from different evolutionary forces.

We can rework the thousands of years to several years and use wormholes to explain the time difference ala Interstellar.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Our evolutionary history could all be a lie.

J-Roc77(70) Clarified Banned
1 point

Are you making an argument from ignorance or are you adding a suggestion to the sci fi story ideas?

Sounds like "Eureka." This could be a possibility for those who adhere to solipsism.