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 What impact do smartphones have on our lives? (17)

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x420xHustler(228) pic

What impact do smartphones have on our lives?

Are you better off or even happier because you own this piece of technology? Should everybody own such a device?

As I rarely use them, I have noted they can at worst be a leash for bosses, parents and advertisers to distract or control you regardless of where your measly existance lingers in time and space. Smarthphones entangle us in all the worries and hurries of the world, even when such are not present at hand. As people develop networks trough these devices they share their problems and complain about their circumstances. Networking does not equal doing. If you needed other people in your life you would develop meaningful relationships. Smartphones are only there to replace your surroundings, be they classrooms, parks or workstations. As such I think the iPhone 5 is hardly worth the 500 bucks.

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2 points

I don't own a smartphone and I don't want to get one because I don't think it will impact my life, I am fine without a smartphone but I know I will need a phone later in life but I won't get a smartphone since its more expensive than the regular phones but I would get a phone just to call people there really is no need for a smartphone as long as you can call people I will be fine.

2 points

Whoa! That was one hell of a run-on sentence. My head hurts.

1 point

That's what they all say....

I've actually had like 5 friends try to stick it out with a basic call and text phone, eventually they gave in to a smartphone and now they are inseparable from the thing. I would personally never go back to a regular phone.

Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

Well I usually stick up to my words I am just going to get a phone that talks I don't need all of those apps on the smartphone its just a waste of money I am fine with just a regular phone.

What do you need to use on a smartphone?

I have never and likely never will own a smart phone. I have a cheap phone with a cheap plan which is basically just for texting.

2 points

They're useful and dangerous at the same time.

One the positive side you have information just a few clicks away everywhere you go.You've got the internet for anything you need to know in seconds, you've got GPS, you've got entertainment. All right in your hand. It's amazing really.

But smartphones also have a really terrible impact on socializing in public. People are so absorbed in their phones instead of actually socializing with new people while they're in public.

I currently don't have one because I don't feel the need to spend the extra money at the time, but I'll probably get one within the next year when I move out of my small town just for GPS.

1 point

If you want mine you'll have to pry my cold, dead fingers off it first.

To me, a smartphone is only a device to carry around in case you need to make an emergency call.