
Debate Info

Coffee Coffee flavored desserts
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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 Coffee (5)
 Coffee flavored desserts (8)

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Hellno(17724) pic

What is Better?


Side Score: 5

Coffee flavored desserts

Side Score: 11
1 point

I really don't like the taste of coffee. I drink coffee like a soft drink, with loads of sugar, sweeteners, flavor and color changers, and even occasionally with ice.

Now coffee flavored things are the better of the two, but I don't ever just have a craving for the taste of sweetened coffee. If ever I want coffee it's so i can put eggnog or some liquid creamer into it.

Side: Coffee
1 point

I like coffee better since I always have mine hot, which you can't do with most coffee flavored desserts. But coffee flavored ice cream in a waffle bowl is the bomb, yo.

Side: Coffee
3 points

Okay.... this is a lame debate but I'm bored and I just realized I love tiramisu and coffee flavored ice cream but I hate coffee. Huh!

Side: Coffee flavored desserts
Hitler(2364) Disputed Banned
1 point

I love how point-whoring/farming is allowed when it's in the form of this.

Side: Coffee
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Do ya? Do ya really love it? Well, I'm glad I could make ya happy. But this is a legit debate... it may be lame, but it's legit nonetheless.

Side: Coffee flavored desserts
2 points

I like coffee but I do love coffee desserts more, though that's because I'm a little fatty and love desserts in general. But I'm expensive too because I prefer expensive desserts like Crème brûlée

Side: Coffee flavored desserts
1 point

I like coffee flavored desserts better then coffee itself.

Side: Coffee flavored desserts
Hitler(2364) Disputed Banned
1 point

than not then

Side: Coffee

I dont act like a crack addict when I hjave the desserts but i do with coffee. LOL.

Side: Coffee flavored desserts
1 point

I'll take the free points, thanks.

Side: Coffee flavored desserts
Hitler(2364) Clarified Banned
1 point

See, Hellno?

Side: Coffee
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Doesn't change anything... this is a debate with two clear choices, like it or not.

Now... bug off you daft twat. XD

Side: Coffee