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 What is the Best Game Console? (21)

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Micmacmoc(2259) pic

What is the Best Game Console?

Over the years the amount of gaming with technology has increased rapidly.


There has been much competition to decide what console is better.


But this is the final, deciding debate to declare the winner.


Please take notice regularly to check if the winning console has changed or if you change your own mind.

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2 points

Whilst many consoles are home to a lot of the gifts on this I must say that my favourite console is the PSP 3000. It is light, easy to use, you can attach a camera, there is access to the internet, music and pictures can be downloaded to it and the graphics are superb.

Side: PSP 3000
2 points

Out with the new in with the old school! My favourite of my consoles is the super Nintendo (SNES). Around 60% of my all time favourite games are on this console. Sure the graphics are terrible in comparison to my 360 but the Super Nintendo has far more charm!

Side: Super Nintendo SNES
2 points

Absolute agreement, I still bring out my SNES and play Mariokart.

Side: Super Nintendo SNES
1 point

I love my old consoles. SNES Mario games are by far the best! I have the Super Mario All Stars and Super Mario World collection. Who would of thought one cartridge of games could provide years of game play. That's my only problem with the next gen consoles, 14 hours and the games over and some aren't really 'fun' enough to play over.

Side: Super Nintendo SNES
2 points

can't you play those games in their old school version on any of the newer consoles? wouldnt they all fit on like one or two disks?

I know my computer has a lot of old school sega, snes, nintendo, n64, games. :)

Side: Super Nintendo SNES
1 point

Hmm you can buy emulators and some games have downloads on new consoles. But I'm more of an obscure gaming fan. And I prefer to really own the games. I think my gaming collection is worth thousands. I'm too into it to cheat :)

Side: Super Nintendo SNES

Obviously, it is Sega Genesis.------------------------------------

Side: Sega Genesis
2 points

um, can i say PC? lol

Back when I was into gaming a lot I had a lot of the games that were console games and a logitech controller that replicates xbox controllers.

That, and then theres a buttload of PC only games, just sayin

Side: Sega Genesis
1 point

The Super Nintendo had the most innovative games that has been seen in no other console to date.

Side: Sega Genesis
1 point

The PS3 is one of my best consoles it has my favorite games on it and has good graphics, what is the point in having a game console when you can't actually see what your doing. But the older consoles have brought out a few good games.

Side: PS3
1 point

The PSP 3000 is an amazing console you can do you pretty much anything a PS3 can do but it's handheld.

Side: PSP 3000
1 point

Am I aloud to say an IPod ? I mean if you think about it the IPod has brought out some pretty cool games, plus you can go on the internet with it, play music and watch films. To be honest I would say it's one of the better devices made and if you get the IPhone you can do the same things and call and text people.

Side: IPod IPhone