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EnigmaticMan(1840) pic

What is the most effective political system?

Note that this is not intended to debate the ethics behind a system, merely the relative effectiveness of it.

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2 points

What is the most effective political system?

Any form of despotism is the most effective.

2 points

Historically any representative republic.

The first really successful country in my opinion was Rome during the renneissance - though it sucked for many people still,

and I think all things considered, Western society is far better for the vast majority than anything we've had so far.

Side: Democracy so far

They all have their ups and downs. I would have to say a direct democracy. You wouldn't have two parties fighting for power, you would have elected individuals not affected by lobbyists or special interest groups that would then vote on proposals from the president and such.

Side: Democracy so far
1 point

Looking at history and the present, one could argue that Catholicism and Islam are very effective at moulding peoples' beliefs and actions spanning centuries and even across different borders.

Side: Democracy so far
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

I'm surprised. You're saying those are political systems? And that they work well historically?

Side: Democracy so far
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

I'm surprised. You're saying those are political systems? And that they work well historically?

I'm saying that they operate like political systems, with the leaders of each respective religion issuing edicts that the followers are expected to obey, and often at the penalty of social repercussions if they do not.

I measure effectiveness in the ability of the system to survive and spread.

Side: Democracy so far
1 point

The one where people aren't tethered together via taxation.

Side: Democracy so far

The most effective political system I have ever seen and studied is Fascism, specifically Nazism.

Side: Democracy so far
1 point

Strictly limited Republicanism. It's shown to deteriorate into fascism and collapse slower than any other style of governance.

Side: Democracy so far