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 What issues are important to Democrats & Repubicans? (1)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

What issues are important to Democrats & Repubicans?

Issues important to Democrats are basically any issue they can pander to groups of people who will vote for them.....

Free College,
Free abortion,
Free birth control,
Free healthcare to even illegal immigrants,
Free housing,
Free cell phones,
Free food stamps,
Free amnesty to create an even larger welfare voting block.
Giving LGBT groups CONSTANT special mention to get money and votes form LGBT lobbyists,
Taking our gun freedoms one step at a time until they get enough activist justices appointed  to TAKE OUR GUNS!
Spending us into oblivion pandering to their voting blocks,

etc. etc. and never are any of these free handouts expected to be paid back when a person gets on their feet. Basically it's a corrupt Government redistributing the middle class's income to buy votes. NOTHING IS FREE!

Issues important to Republicans.....

The right to Life for all innocent Americans including Americans even weeks from birth.
Children having a father at home supporting them.
Creating good paying jobs for everyone no matter your race, gender, sexual orienttion, etc.
Getting corrupt Government out of our jobs.
Protecting every American's religious freedoms from activists who would force political correctness on a family business.
Keeping America from bankrupcy (we are almost 20 TRILLION in debt)
Protectng our borders from illegal immigrants.

The difference between the two parties is light years! We need Conservatives to actually change the path we are on.

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1 point

The differences bertween the Republican and Democratic Parties in the USA are NOT light years apart.

Not even close.

Rather, insofar as the Political Spectrum is concerned, the two Parties are in the middle of that line. Just to the Right and Left of Dead Center, respectively.

The two extreme ideologies would be, rather, Fascism on the Far Right, and Communism on the Far Left.

Anarchy, of course, could be considered by some to be on the Far Left of the Spectrum, but in point of fact it is more accurately defined as the total ABSENCE of Government. Ergo, does not belong on the Spectrum.

The fact that the two parties often have overlapping or different ideologies but are not radically diametrically opposed is why I myself am an Independent. I have voted Democrat AND Republican in the past.

If the two parties were, as you wrongly claimed, "light-years apart"--then I would not find myself sometimes agreeing with one and then the other. As their two ethos' would be too divergent. After all, our personal ideologies usually are fairly coherent and tend to all fall within the same general area of the Spectrum.

Hope this helps.


FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

I knew when I said light years apart I should have said "Conservtives" & Democrats are light years apart.

I would agree that RINO's or establishment republicans are not light years apart, but they are still a million times better where by they would have never created Obamacare, or appoint liberal activists in the supreme court to force every state to bow to LGBT agendas.