
Debate Info

Throwing Parties Going To Parties
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Throwing Parties (2)
 Going To Parties (5)

Debate Creator

KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

What's Better?

Throwing Parties

Side Score: 3

Going To Parties

Side Score: 10
2 points

I love throwing parties a little more than going to parties. Because I like to be in control lol. And I can drink a lot without worrying about getting a ride. And I get satisfaction in knowing I'm the cause of everyone's good time :)

Side: Throwing Parties

I like to be the creator of a party because I want it exactly to my specifications.

Side: Throwing Parties
3 points

I'm not much of a party dude, but definitely like to leave the planning and organization to those who don't mind doing it. I prefer to just go meet the chicks. :D

Side: Going To Parties
2 points

Going to parties so I don't have to clean up after people .

Side: Going To Parties
2 points

I would say going to parties. I wouldn't throw a party because then I would have to clean up the whole mess people made.

Side: Going To Parties

I am with you all the way brother some people at parties tend to not sense enough to throw away their trash.

Side: Going To Parties

Going to Parties because you can totally trash the place and have no respect for the person, and no other guests will think less of you because they will leave without help cleaning up too.

So, I don't go to many parties nor do I hold many parties.

Side: Going To Parties