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 What team will be the best for Peyton Manning? (6)

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PrayerFails(11165) pic

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What team will be the best for Peyton Manning?


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Peyton Manning will probably decide on team that best situates him away from competing against his Super Bowl Champ Eli Manning.

Therefore, Peyton will probably remain in the AFC based on that fact alone.

Many have thought the Miami Dolphins or Kansas City Chiefs, but the Houston Texans maybe the best fit.

Well, it is final, the Denver Broncos. Time will tell how good of a decision it was.

1 point

I think that Peyton Manning should go to the Seattle Seahawks because they need to win a championship. They should have won back when they faced the steelers but they paid the refs and told them to cheat most of the game which was bad.

The Denver Broncos will definitely make a good run for Peyton Manning considering their quarterback situation.

That is true, Manning was in Denver, and Elway probably wants Manning, I could see Manning going to Denver while Tebow traded to the Dolphins.

1 point

well everybody knows that Peyton Manning going to a AFC team but it really don't matter what team he go's to because where ever he go to he will make that team a better team.....and the best fit for Peyton Manning to me will be the Arizona cardinals just because they have one have the best wide receiver in the NFL and everybody know how much Peyton Manning love to throw the ball DEEP and who don't want to throw to Larry Fitzgerald!!!!