
Debate Info

Corporate Personal
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Corporate (6)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

What type of welfare is worse? Corporate or Personal


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 0

Granted, lazy and stupid people exist, and this phenomena is becoming more prevalent, so the empathic, heroic and benevolent politicians with personalities of iamdavidh and Bohemian are naturally going to side with those who will vote for them in the polls. Therefore, the fault is not entirely the lazy people, but the politicians who are looking for political gain.

However, the more egregious and malicious welfare is corporate considering it is the worst of crony capitalism. Crony capitalism aka corporate welfare is the worst of government intervention into the market where it is picking winners and losers. Politicians giving money to friends in the private sector is just pathetic. Here, the fault falls 100% on the shoulders of government for intervening in the market at the expense of less competition.

Side: Corporate

Neither corporate or personal welfare is inherently bad. They can both be absolutely vital, and absolutely corrupting, depending on many factors. However, where personal welfare fails, people can die. Where corporate welfare fails, firms can make losses. I know which I see as worse.

Side: Corporate
1 point

Where corporate welfare fails, firms can make losses.

Bankruptcy and companies failing is vital to capitalism. Failure makes people stronger. WSJ

Side: Corporate

I don't know why you disputed my argument, my statement didn't disagree with you, and neither do I. Of course losses are an integral part of capitalism, but few would argue that they're, in themselves, good. They're simply a sign that there is a bad thing, and that its being changed.

Side: Corporate
1 point

Well taking from the hard working and giving to the lazy is clearly wrong...But taking from regular people and giving to people who have more money then they could ever need, well that is obviously far worse.

Side: Corporate

Bailing out corporations can be O.K. at first but when the bailout does not succeed, the corporation will ask for more money.

Side: Corporate
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