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 What will be the defining invention/tech shift of our time? (7)

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Heath22(144) pic

What will be the defining invention/tech shift of our time?

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2 points
Self-driving cars are supposed to be ready to go on a grand scale by 2030. By that time, all cars would have GPS, and be connected to a "Traffic Control Grid" grand computer that would serve as an info-hub/control center for all vehicles.
A bird's eye photo of NYC in the middle of rush hour shows that even during this so-called gridlock, there is actually a good deal of empty, unused space. With the cars being controlled by computers, they would have the ability to pass within inches of each other at moderate to high speeds (depending on our ability to stomach the ride).
This could also lead to innovative concepts like freeways with no lane markings. Then if the eastbound lanes were clogged, and the west bound lanes were empty, the traffic control center could designate a west bound lane to be east bound to ease the congestion.
Furthermore, without the need for a steering column, or a transparent windshield, the inside of the car could turn into an extension of your living room, where you could watch movies on the windshield, or make the windshield the display for your computer.
And best of all: There's no more need for a Designated Driver. LET'S PARTY!!
1 point
Now that would be amazing, I would love to sit back in my car and watch a movie while crushing some Bud Light while my car took me home. Best scenario imaginable.
1 point

I can just imagine the movies inspired by this now...

Speed 8.0, a madman gains control of the traffic grid and accidents spiral out of control.

Knight Rider, a rogue car lives above the grid.

Does sound like amazing technology though...

1 point
The Semantic Web. The Internet will evolve such that it will be able to understand and satisfy the requests of people and machines to use the web content without keywords and search terms. It will begin to just understand.
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1 point
Over time I think that the Internet will prove to be the most pivotal invention in the history of mankind (trailed closely by the Wheel). The Internet opens the entire world of information to people throughout the globe. Barriers to information have been broken down to the point where you can find almost anything you're looking for in seconds.
1 point

electric cars could be the future, no more gas driven engines instead of gas stations there would be electric stations that send large jolts of electricity into your car =]

1 point

100% clean, renewable, cheap energy.

It would be a huge shift.