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Definately the personality Wait, he looks good!
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Definately the personality (2)

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MandyA(13) pic

Whats better marrying a man for his personality or looks

Definately the personality

Side Score: 3

Wait, he looks good!

Side Score: 0
2 points

If you think a guy looks good, but you dont get along with him whats the point of being married and never being happy. I am for the guys personality!!

Side: Definately the personality
1 point

Well, I'm not a girl so I can't really make a decision here.

What I notice though is that girls tend to like me because of my humor. I mean, I get plenty of those creepy chicks who I don't know but they really like me, and I'm guessing they're the ones who like me for my looks. So if anything, I prefer a chick who LIKES me for my personality. I mean, when it comes to "screwing around" I'm glad that I have looks (what they say at least, don't wanna toot my own horn). But if a chick doesn't get me, it just makes for a really bad relationship (I tend to never find a line in my humor, and I'm way too laid back for uptight chicks to be comfortable).

Side: Definately the personality
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