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 Where do you think all the languages of the world came from? (6)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Where do you think all the languages of the world came from?

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To me they came for the Tower of Babel where God cause all the people to not understand each other when they was trying to build the tower to reach Heaven.

Side: Tower Of Babel
2 points

I agree. The Bible is inspired by God, and he said the languages came from when they split at babel so that's where they came from.

Side: Tower Of Babel

I think the languages came from grunts and mumbles that developed to resemble the picture of what they were talking about, and as the brains continued to grow and words continually were used, more words were made up, now not for their resemblance to the object but just because someone named them.

Side: Tower Of Babel

I also know Latin was a stem fro most modern languages. Such as English, Spanish, French, and their cognates.

Side: Tower Of Babel
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

And Sanskrit is the source for Indic languages .

Side: Tower Of Babel
1 point

hey you. I missed you. To answer your question, my Messianic Jewish religion teaches that God confused people's speech to prevent them from building a tower to Heaven. You can read about it in Genesis 11:1-9.

Side: Tower Of Babel

I guess it goes back to the Stone Age. People began grunting and soon words formed out of their mouth as a way of communication.

Side: Tower Of Babel