
Debate Info

Dragonballz/Gt Naruto
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Dragonballz/Gt (1)
 Naruto (5)

Debate Creator

KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Which Show Is The Best


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 12
2 points


Side: Dragonballz/Gt
2 points

jericho is a donkey jack is my hero and so is jye and conor fuck you i love naruto i no all of the people in it im so cool but jye just calld me a freak so i hate him

Side: Naruto
2 points


Side: Naruto
2 points

Naruto has a better story line than dragon ball z/GT so it wins also the villians on this show are some of the best i have ever seen in an anime so it easily tops dragonball Z/GT

Side: Naruto
2 points

oh please naruto has DBZ beat by a landslide. naruto has been going on for a long time now and yes at times fillers and episodes where nothing happens may or may not get annoying but at least they learn new abilities or rahter jutsus to keep the viewers entertained.... DBZ all that happens is their hair grows longer and they turn into monkeys.

Side: Naruto
2 points

drango ball z episode


frezia:his power leves are of the charts


to be continued

Side: Naruto