
Debate Info

Xbox360 PS3
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Xbox360 (2)

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HALOGOD66(2) pic

Which console is better Xbox360 or PS3

Some people think this is pointless,i don't,I know alot of people who have both systems and they agree with me that Xbox360 is better but is not all my decision,it's yours.what is better Xbox360 or PS3


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
1 point

Xbox is better it has more games,better games,better graphics,almost every thing is better.the only thing thats better about PS3 is is free internet,blue ray player,and frames per second

Side: XBox360

The XBOX 360 is better. it has better games it has really easy to use internet and it has the kinect which completely makes it better than PS3

Side: XBox360
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