
Debate Info

Halo 3 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:12
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 Halo 3 (2)
 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2)

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crimzind(6) pic

Which game take more planning and strategy when playing an objective based gametype

Halo 3

Side Score: 5

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Side Score: 3
2 points
Weapons, powerups and vehicles add a whole other level of planning stratgey and tactics than what CoD4 offers with it's weapons(which contrary to H3, all have the same effect) and perks. The environment never changes.
CoD4 simply offers walking around and shooting at one another.
Thats not a this game is better than that game. Just saying that their different.
Side: Halo 3
2 points

the objective based game play of CoD4 is incredibly in-depth, take a game of search and destroy; if defending, you have to plan ahead as to whom will defend what points, and how they will do that, and when attacking you must plan when to plant the bomb, who will plant the bomb, etc. In a one sided assault game on halo 3, the strategy is (if attacking) to all swarm toward the objective, with maybe one person staying back to snipe, and (if defending) to camp the objective and wait for the aforementioned swarm.

As such, i must favor CoD4 for this debate, as it take a considerable amount more planning than Halo 3

Side: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
0 points
Call of Duty 4 is much more fun to play and is probably the best game ever. Here's a rundown of their awards:
More than 18 perfect score reviews
More than 40 combined Editors' choice, Game of the Year awards (US)
Nominated for 10 Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences awards (including Game of the Year)
GameBump's own Best Shooter of 2007
Now how can you argue against that?
Supporting Evidence: Call of Duty 4- Best Game Ever (
Side: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Riles(12) Disputed
0 points

That has nothing to do with the question being asked. It's not which game is better or more fun it is which game requires more strategy and planning in an objective gametype.

Side: Halo 3