
Debate Info

Small cars with high MPG Large cars and carpooling
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Large cars and carpooling (2)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Which green solution is more effective?

Small cars tend to have high MPG but are usually meant for two people.

Large gas guslers have low MPG but some can carry as many as 9 people.

Which is more economical?

Small cars with high MPG

Side Score: 0

Large cars and carpooling

Side Score: 3
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I don't know but when I drive my big ass truck and I use the turn signal, I mean that I'm moving over (regardless of whether you want me there or not). In other words, I'm telling you what I'm doing, not asking you to let me do something.

When a samll car uses its turn signal, it means, please let me in. Since most people ignore a request to let others in, small cars usually have blinkers that blink really fast in order to emphasize what they are saying, which is, "let me in, let me in, let me in" ;)

Side: Large cars and carpooling
2 points

Well put.

That's definitely a new way to look at things... :)

Side: Large cars and carpooling