
Debate Info

Halo Call of Duty
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JamesTeranov(1) pic

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Which is better: Halo or Call of Duty

Simple really...

The story. very deep, engaging and emotional story that spawned many novels to make a truly unique and engaging universe. Everything connects.
Plus the multiplayer which is more skilled based and balanced that MLG played the most.
Plus the nostalgic award winning soundtrack. Audio is everything.
And extra content (Forge, Custom Games, Theater, Firefight, Spartan Ops, Red Vs Blue, Forward Unto Dawn, Halo Legends, Arby 'n' the Chief, Best Vehicular Controls in any FPS etc,)
Balanced and skill based multiplayer witch caters for the hardcore MLG players (Team S.W.A.T, MLG, Team Doubles etc. playlists) and casual gamers (Social Big Team, Griffball, Forge and custom games etc.)
Great and solid gameplay - sandbox battles (not just a corridor shooter), vehicles, amazing unpredictable A.I. etc.

Part 2 campaign maybe?


Side Score: 0
Winning Side!

Call of Duty

Side Score: 0
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