
Debate Info

Electronic Music Instrumental
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Electronic Music (4)
 Instrumental (2)

Debate Creator

LizziexLaura(4278) pic

Which is better electronic music or instrumental music?

Electronic music - typically created on a computer, turntable, etc.

Instrumental Music - Any other kind of music that uses an actuall instrument such as rock or jazz.

Electronic Music

Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2
1 point

Point 1) The computer is an instrument.

Point 2) Hardstyle.

I fucking love hardstyle.
Side: Electronic Music

I like Trance and the electronic music just gets me mesmerized.

Side: Electronic Music
1 point

Both electronic music and instrumental music have their own unique charms and appeal to different tastes. Electronic music offers a wide range of sounds and effects that can transport listeners to otherworldly realms, while instrumental music carries the raw emotion and skill of the musicians themselves. As someone deeply interested in music production, I often read insights on software instruments and music technology through forums. If you're keen on exploring the nuances of music creation, I recommend delving into such resources for a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

Side: Electronic Music

As a music enthusiast, the preference between electronic and instrumental music boils down to personal taste and mood. Electronic music offers innovation and versatility with its synthesized sounds, perfect for energetic vibes. Conversely, instrumental music, with its richness and depth, evokes emotions and storytelling. Both genres enrich the musical landscape uniquely.

Supporting Evidence: confetti gun (
Side: Electronic Music
1 point

you suck I win yah yah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Side: Instrumental
1 point

Instrumental for sure. I live the sitar. .

Side: Instrumental