
Debate Info

Autism Down's Syndrome
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Autism (3)
 Down's Syndrome (4)

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instig8or(3308) pic

Which is better for a boyfriend to have?


Side Score: 3

Down's Syndrome

Side Score: 4

When a person is autistic, the world is his oyster. No one can interfere with the world of an autistic person.

Side: Autism
1 point

This makes them more likely to stay with you, because he's too stupid to think of anything better.

Autistic boyfriend won't understand your emotions.

Side: Down's Syndrome
1 point

I'm half retarded, half autistic, I'm the perfect middle ground.

Side: Down's Syndrome
1 point

Is your profile pic supposed be a hermaphrodite?

Side: Down's Syndrome
1 point

Why? Has it become the time to make the choice at this moment of your life?

Side: Down's Syndrome