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Option 1 Option 2
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:35
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 Option 1 (7)
 Option 2 (8)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Which of the following is more despicable (Please see description)?

Option 1:  Hamas putting Palestinian children in harms way by launching rockets at Israel with the full knowledge that Israel will retaliate and innocent Palestinian children will end up dead.


Option 2:  Israel for not putting up with rockets being launched by Hamas for ever and retaliating with the full knowledge that innocent Palestinian children will end up dead.


Option 1

Side Score: 15

Option 2

Side Score: 11
3 points

Collateral damage, it happens. Palestinians asked for a war, so they got one. Plus, the attacks Hamas has been putting unto Israel has hurt more children.

Side: Option 1

Israel is not trying to kill innocent Palestinian children but Hamas is purposely putting innocent Palestinian children in harms way in order to get world sympathy.

Side: Option 1
0 points
Side: Option 1
1 point


and how many debates on this exact subject are we going to have in one day? Is there some record we're going for here?

but Hamas is acting absolutely evil, and not leaving Israel many options.

Side: Option 1
2 points

I am absolutely baffled. What part of "Palestinians have been victims of Israel for decades, have been living under sanctions, etcetera, etcetera, and are fighting for their own rights" don't you understand?

Even when faced with actual evidence, you continue to try to prove your point. Why? I am truly flabbergasted.

Side: Option 2
0 points

What part of "The Palestinians should take control of their lives, kick Hamas out and sign a peace treaty with Israel" don't you understand?

Side: Option 1
Zofia(68) Disputed
2 points

Since I have to spell it out for you,

The Palestinians had extremely difficult lives BEFORE Hamas.

Why can't you acknowledge the facts?

How is it that Ben-Gurion's simple quote cannot get through your head? When the ultimate Zionist ADMITS to everything I have been trying to tell you, therefore affirming my points through his own mouth, and you STILL don't get it, there is obviously no hope for you.

Are you Jewish? Are you Israeli?

Because I AM. I was born in Tel Aviv. My family is Jewish. We came to the United States when I was 9.


I KNOW the mindset of the Jews.

I KNOW the Zionist fanaticism.

I KNOW that the Jews paid the British tons of money to establish the Jewish state.

I KNOW that the 1967 war was instigated by the Jews beginning in 1965 when we figured out that our water supply would be diminished through the Headwater Diversion Plan.

I KNOW that the Zionist quest involves the continuation of settlements into Palestinian territory, and will not stop until the Jews believe they have the entire Holy Land to themselves.

I KNOW that the Jews and the Zionists have always planned to slowly push out the rightful inhabitants of this land.

What kind of authority do YOU have to talk about this, which you obviously know nothing about?

I am utterly ashamed to be Israeli. My parents came here when I was 9 because they could not stomach the hypocrisy and horror of Zionism. They did not want me, or my brothers, to grow up into fanatic Israeli settler youth.

So if you are not Jewish, and you are not Israeli,


Side: Option 2

Ah yes, one of Joe's famous loaded debates. I think this misses the point of the issue. Obviously what Hamas is doing is completely wrong. If the entire country was made up of extremists then I would say go ahead and blow the fuck out of them. But, what you miss is the fact that innocent civilians are dying in the crossfire. Let me pose a separate hypothetical.

Where would you rather be living?

Option 1: Israel with the Israelis

Option 2: The Gaza Strip with the Palastinians

Unless you have a death wish, or really hate Jews then you are going to choose option 1. Now we get into arguments about is at fault, who has a "right" to the land and whose missals are justified. Those arguments are cold comfort to the victim's family, and the people killed certainly don't care...because they're dead.

Is Hamas in the wrong by sending missiles into Israel? Of course, and anyone who says otherwise needs to get their head checked. But does that give Israel the right to disregard the lives of the other Palestinians? Certainly not. Collateral damage should not be as acceptable as many people make it seem.

Side: Debate misses the point
1 point

I think you missed the point. If my kids were put in harms way by some fanatics, I would try and do whatever I could to stop them. Like infiltrating them and spying for Israel. Then at least Israel can hit the right house; not my house.

Side: Option 1
1 point

It's funny how courageous we are in our daydreams.

Side: Debate misses the point
1 point

Israel invaded and occupied Palestine. It is the second most militarily aggressive state currently existing, next to the United States. We support them unilaterally, even after Israel ignored the UN's 1967 order to move out of the strip. Palestinians are fighting back because even those who don't fight get treated like shit by the Israelis. That's all there is to it.

Side: Option 2