
Debate Info

McDonald's Burger King
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 McDonald's (3)
 Burger King (11)

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GuitarGuy(6096) pic

Who has better burgers?


Side Score: 3

Burger King

Side Score: 11

I don't always have a burger but when I do, it's McDonalds.

Side: McDonald's

I like McDonald's burgers better. That's just my personal preference.

Side: McDonald's
1 point

I personally like Five Guys (the restaurant) the best, but out of these two... I have to go with BK. They're both pretty bad though lol.

Side: Burger King
1 point

Def BK but their fries suck balls.

Side: Burger King
1 point

Eh... McDonald's fries aren't what they used to be either. I like KFC's potato wedges the best.

Side: Burger King
1 point

Rally's has the best fries... The best!

Side: Burger King

No contest! Burger king's one dollar burgers are better than McDonald's 5 dollar burgers!!

Side: Burger King

I wouldn't be caught dead in either of these Chav magnets but Burger King is the lesser of the two evils.

Side: Burger King
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Why is Burger King the lesser of the two evils?

Side: McDonald's
1 point

Well I have heard more negative things about McDonalds than Burger king.

Side: McDonald's
1 point

The last strand of McDonald's I can remember going to for the past year have all been either greasy, cold, just poor quality.

As far as fast food goes, burger king isn't so bad.

Side: Burger King
1 point

I prefer Five Guys and Culver's (I think it's a regional chain, some people may not have it), but BK beats McDonald's.

Side: Burger King
1 point

Five Guys is definitely my favorite. I've never heard of Culver's though.

Side: Burger King

Went to Burger King, they spit in my onion rings. They're burgers were delicious.

Side: Burger King
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Why did they spit on your onion rings?

Side: McDonald's