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 Who is 1organicpet really? (15)

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Sitara(11075) pic

Who is 1organicpet really?

I see that he is a new memeber, joined less than 4 hours ago, and he totally had a fit about one of my statements. I said in response to a question about making payments to certain ethnic groups for thing s that happened in the past: "I refuse to be blamed for something I did not do. This race shit has to end.", and this person totally went off on me, saying things that are not true. Is this Prodigee playing a joke?

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Srom(12120) Banned
2 points

Again! Leave the drama elsewhere! Hmmmmmm.

2 points

Hmmmm? Well I haven't been drinking so I'm pretty sure it isn't me...

1 point

Smoke weed instead honey. I am worried about your health. .

1 point

I do it all.... That's just how I roll. :D

Hmmm...., I'm not so sure. I think you're personally responsible for slavery..., maybe in a previous life. You never know ;)

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Bad boy. You are lucky that you are sexy as fuck, otherwise I would have to kick your butt. ;)

1 point

Likely Prod since he will be needing a new account soon.

How come Andy hasnt like banned his computer or something?

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

He is using an IP spoofing service which allows him to elude direct 100% banning. Right now all I can do is put a box around him.

1 point

Probably. .

I am sure that its probably a more vulgar or outspoken user. Some people are just pretty extreme.

Compensation for past things we already moved from probably caused him to say that because the idea may be awkward to him. He probably thinks it a dumb as shit idea.