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Who is Britain's greatest political leader in history?

Which leader do you think did more to change and improve the way of life for people in the United Kingdom?

I'm trying to be as objective as possible with my suggestions, which are:


Oliver Cromwell

Robert Peel

David Lloyd-George

Winston Churchill

Clement Attlee

Margaret Thatcher


The list is not supposed to be exhaustive so please feel free to make other suggestions.


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In 1945 Clement Attlee inherited a country that had been ravaged by war, and had massive debts. Despite this he did more to improve the way of life, for the poorest people in Britain, than any other Prime Minister in the 20th century. He presided over the creation of the welfare state and the introduction of the NHS; he was also integral in granting independence to many countries of the former British Empire (including India). Over time he was able to stabilize the economy and in 2004 he was voted in a poll of professors as the greatest British Prime Minister of the 20th century.

Supporting Evidence: Short-Bio for Clement Attlee (
Side: Clement Attlee

I know relatively little of all the Prime Ministers of Britain's long history but one name I did not see listed is Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) who served as Prime Minister twice as well as the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He was highly thought of by Queen Victoria throughout the ups and downs of his 30 year political career and personal life until the day he died. He was elevated to the House of Lords, by the Queen, in 1876.

He is best remembered as the person who created the modern Conservative Party. During his years as P.M. "Disraeli's government introduced various reforms, including the Artisan's and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act 1875, the Public Health Act 1875, the Sale of Food and Drugs Act (1875), and the Education Act (1876). His government also introduced a new Factory Act meant to protect workers, the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875 to allow peaceful picketing, and the Employers and Workmen Act (1875) to enable workers to sue employers in the civil courts if they broke legal contracts. As a result of these social reforms the Liberal-Labour MP Alexander Macdonald told his constituents in 1879, "The Conservative party have done more for the working classes in five years than the Liberals have in fifty."

Disraeli was and still is the only person who has served as Prime Minister who was of Jewish Heritage. He was also regarded as a literary figure of the times writing both fiction and non-fiction. His life has been the subject of several films beginning in 1929 and ending in 1997, as of this writing.

Supporting Evidence: Wikipedia: Benjamin Disraeli (
Side: Benjamin Disraeli