
Debate Info

Kim Kardashian Megan Fox
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Kim Kardashian (4)
 Megan Fox (4)

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MikeyK(87) pic

Who is Hotter?

Kim Kardashian

Side Score: 9

Megan Fox

Side Score: 5
2 points

I am going to go with Kim on this just because my son's ex girlfriend looked an awful lot like Megan Fox and she was a nightmare! I know that is a bad reason, but I can't look at Megan Fox without thinking of his ex!

Side: Kim Kardashian
3 points

Damn she must have been a devil LOL

Side: Kim Kardashian
2 points

She was, but I admit she was a very pretty one !

Side: Kim Kardashian
2 points

I would say Kim because she is a lot prettier compared to Megan Fox. If you agree then mark this 1 point up.

Side: Kim Kardashian
2 points

without a doubt !

Side: megan fox
1 point

of course it is megan fox. have you seen her in that transformers movie.

Side: megan fox
1 point

megan fox is the best actor in that movie so why should it not be her.

Side: megan fox
1 point

First off Kim is an airhead heiress. At least Megan is working, and isn't that bad at it.

But if she hadn't had all that plastic surgery then I'd like her more than I do now. She use to be really pretty, and hot, and sexy Now she looks fake.

Side: megan fox