
Debate Info

I wanted_____to win, I like the winner,
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 I wanted_____to win, (2)
 I like the winner, (1)

Debate Creator

SonofAnder(17) pic

Who really should have won American Idol 2011?

Scotty Miccurre won American Idol, who do you think should have won, I think the top two should have been James and Cassy. James should've won.

I wanted_____to win,

Side Score: 2

I like the winner,

Side Score: 1

I wanted J Lo to win.----------------------------------------------

Side: I wanted_____to win,

All the contestants I liked were out before the finals :( Scotty and Lauren were too Good-Christian-Child for my Idol Taste.

Annnd.. I probably just incensed someone, badly. Oh well. You can't always be pc and be honest.

Side: I wanted_____to win,
1 point

Scotty McCreery won but Lauren Alaina was the runner up. They were both good so it really didn't matter who won. I voted for Lauren.

Here is Scotty:

Here is Lauren:

Side: I like the winner,